Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 3, 2016

Chinese Translation Services

Chinese including intonation language of Tibetan language family, by the variety of cultures in the region. However, everyone talking different languages ​​are Chinese share a written form unified from the early 20th century as "white voice" - that is affordable based languages ​​Mandarin, using close as a set of Chinese characters.

With its position as the powerhouse with 2nd growth in the world, with the expansion projects in many fields and in many countries, and especially in Vietnam. Therefore, the demand for Chinese translation into Vietnamese and vice versa increasing. The catch is that, Expertrans provide Chinese translation services.

Our motto is friend cohesion, sharing in cultural languages, eliminating any language barriers of businesses, corporations. We are confident to be able to satisfy the requirements of the Chinese translation of customers owning translation team have many years of experience, is the new graduate in the university foreign language training row oil.

Expertrans provide Chinese translation services covering the fields of banking and finance, website, economic, cultural, technical documents, service book, movie translation ...

Please contact us to receive a free quote!

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