Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 4, 2016

Medical - Pharmaceuticals translation services

You're looking for a professional Medical - Pharmaceuticals prestige translation services? Come to Expertrans, we will provide you with professional Medical - Pharmaceutical  translation services products quickly, accurately and cost-competitive services. Customers can fully reassured and confident as to specialized translation services.

We provide customers with professional translation services Medical - Pharmaceuticals with 100 different languages ​​including English, French, Japanese, Korean, German, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Laos , Thai, ... Especially, our company can also provide interpreter services for the Conference, Workshops, Services Carbin, trade negotiations ... With interpreters and translators team enthusiastic, thoughtful, high professional level, extensive knowledge in many different industry professionals, guaranteed to bring our customers the exact content translation, specialized terminology in an hours.

With aspirations to become reputable translation unit and top quality in Vietnam, Expertrans Global strives every day to provide our customers with translation services, notaries perfect, contributing to bring many benefits economic benefits for our customers. We want a bridge to contribute successfully with you.

Given the diversity of languages, team record, professional translators, we believe that can meet all demands from customers. In addition to medical - pharmaceutical translation services at Expertrans also provides customer service of high quality movies translated from Vietnamese to 100 foreign languages ​​and vice versa, we get to do all kinds of video, tape recording and data file.

Expertrans Global provides medical - pharmaceutical translation with all the proper reasons to become your partner. Our qualified and experienced translators with support of advanced technology are willing to carry out your enquiry anytime. All you need to do is contacting us now!

Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 4, 2016

Chinese To English Translation From Expertrans

Chinese to English transaltion and vice versa has become very popular as a result of the widespread use of two languages ​​as well as the rapid integration worldwide. Requirements translation from Chinese to English is used in all sectors and industries. Therefore, the correct translation may be needed to achieve a successful project. With rich resources and capabilities,  Expertrans Global can provide accurate Chinese to English translation services and vice versa, not only in Vietnam but also around the globe.

Possessing talented staff is one of the keys to the success of a language solutions company. Translators, interpreters and editors Expertrans team capable dexterity and understanding. With a staff of approximately 50 professionals plus more than 3,000 collaborators worldwide recruitment, Expertrans has all the capabilities sufficient to support your largest projects, even multiple projects simultaneously.

There is a good translation monitoring process is also an important factor contributing to the success of a translation company. 10 years of operation, the management system of Expertrans has constantly improved, to ensure effective supervision are provided for each translation project. We have a team of editors have the skills and knowledge to examine all documents, ensuring the most accurate before the official version is sent to the customer. "Perfect translation" process management Expertran self development is built to a high standard in Europe and is recognized by the ISO 9001-2008 is enough to bring the best value to our customers .

The ability to customize a special package with customer requirements while not compromising on quality is the flexibility that can only be provided by a provider of professional translation. Expertrans can develop a unique service options to suit your budget and your needs, which quality is guaranteed. This means that the cost of your translation will be optimized, time and quality solutions for your project.

In short, the Chinese translation into English is a popular service that you can find in most of the translation company. However, only Expertrans services can give you outstanding differences. We believe you will find all of the highest standards for your translation projects in our services. Contact us for details.

Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 4, 2016

Filipino Interpretation Services - Expertrans company

You are faced with a difficult problem in the language with one of the key customers - who can only use Filipino / Tagalog, and you really need a translation service reliability.

Expertrans ready supply of interpreters who can use native English - Filipino / Tagalog or Vietnamese - Filipino / Tagalog or who have lived at least two years in the country to use Filipino / Tagalog , grasping profound knowledge about the cultural traditions, history, and economy of the countries using Filipino / Tagalog.

ExperTrans is one of the few enterprise translation - translation Philippines prestige, high quality, meet the needs Philippines translators in all fields of life in Vietnam.

With our English - Filipino / Tagalog or Vietnamese - Filipino / Tagalog, we are committed to the messenger bridged the gap between language and culture.
 If you are wondering if we can provide an interpreter or not professional enough English - Filipino / Tagalog or Vietnamese - Filipino / Tagalog in a specific industry, we assure that we are always ready to help you.

We currently offer interpretation services in areas such as social relations, law, medicine, technology, insurance, finance, engineering and machinery ...
With a team of professional translators in our system, we are sure that will give you the English - Filipino / Tagalog or Vietnamese - Filipino / Tagalog fit well in the majors that your project requires.

Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 4, 2016

Providing Korean Translation Services

Korea is called: 'Woori Nara', which means 'our country.' Here is an example of how people think about the benefit Korea's collective interests opposed to the individual. That culture is strongly reflected in the behavior in everyday life and business. Korean team of translators we are speaking Korean is their second language, are the indigenous people living and working in Korea. We only work with experienced translators most people who have worked in a diverse range of business sectors, and industrial production.

Like the Japanese, the Korean language was influenced by Chinese.. A basic feature of the Korean language is the verb suffix, indicating a degree of respect for the status of others in society. The ability of our professionals can accurately reflect the nuances, our professional Korean translators native speakers of the target language, with at least 5 years of experience, level of education is appointed workers, masters and PhD in Korean translation and interpretation. So we can handle any document that needs to be positioned on or from the Korean language, providing outstanding results.

In Korea, the exchange of business cards is essential. It's a sign of respect and tags must be both given and received with both hands. The business card should be translated to both Korean and English.

If you are in need of search companies in Korean translation, Korean translation to English or vice versa. Please contact Expertrans for free advice and answer questions. With the motto of the people you support, removing barriers in language, we are always ready to meet all requirements of the customer translation!

To discuss your project with us, please contact us by e-mail: or call Hotline: (+84) 926 051 999

Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 3, 2016

Translation Services - Expertrans

We cover most major languages, including Portuguese, Korean, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic, French, Russian, Chinese and Japanese . With very few exceptions, we use only native speakers of the target language, which means that if your documents are translated into Spanish, for example, has only one Spanish speaker the will translate its address. This ensures that your translation will not only grammar, but also readers and natural sound. Our translators are trained all professionals, with many years of experience in translation.

Include: marriage, birth, death, divorce. Certified / notarized according to the INS and appropriate guidance for immigrants

Medical translation
Includes: informed consent forms, medical reports, discharge instructions, the clinical trials.

Legal translation
Including: contracts, wills, depositions, court documents and legal summaries
- Engineering Services
- Providing pharmacy
- Literary translation
- Finance - Banking services
- Manual worker, customer surveys, media reports

Translation process
Firstly, your project will be vetted by a team of our assessment, to determine the object, scope and extent of its difficulties. Next, it will be assigned to the translator best qualified to handle the job. Once completed, the translation is assessed thoroughly by a team of our editors for accuracy and style, and if you need to send back to the translator for clarification or correction. When all is complete, rapid translations will be sent to the client. Should the customer request any additional changes, we are happy to meet without incurring extra costs. We are not satisfied until you are satisfied.

 Expertrans confirmed price list English translation we always unbeatable. Do not forget you can get a free quote at any time, immediately get to our porch

Information security
Selecting a supplier Expertrans, you will not have to worry about information and documentation is lost and leakage. All documents are stored in the computer system installed copy-protection software. The letters are compiled undertake not to disclose information to the outside.

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 3, 2016

Thailand Translation Services

Expertrans professional translation company providing Thai translation services to English, English to Thai and ><50 different languages. With a team of professionals with many years of experience, qualifications standards, as the new graduate university in a foreign language, as masters and enthusiastic translators, sticking with the translation industry. They have many years of study and work at the local, so that the local word nor what can cause crying towel for our experts.

 Expertrans provide translation includes the following fields:
- Finance - Banking translation services
- Medical - pharmaceutical documentationtranslation
- Legal Translation
- Website – software translation
- Translation project bids
- Translation of books, magazines ...

Thailand is Southeast Asian countries are ranked first in the list of tourist destinations of Vietnam. With its advantageous geographical position close, traditions, religions have many similarities, especially the low cost and the rich diversity of goods, tourism in Thailand has always been the first choice for Vietnamese tourists. Every year according to statistics, there are millions of tourists travel to Vietnam to Thailand, making the need for simultaneous translation into Thai tourism has never hypothermia. ExperTrans have a team of Thai interpreters specializing in tourism - travel very experienced and knowledgeable about the culture, traditions and local lifestyle ... capable of maximum support and to please all Vietnam discerning travelers. Translation costs Thailand tourism is also very affordable and extremely competitive on the market.

In addition to owning a team of powerful Thailand translation, is the Thailand at prestigious universities, students and native translators, Expertrans been very successful in combining specialist the translators subject to the application of tools to support advanced translation as Wordfast, Trados. Besides, we applied management processes achieved ISO 9001-2008 quality, translation quality control at all stages from receipt of the original documents of the customer.

   Are you ready to get a free quote yet? Then simply choose the most convenient way    of calling, emailing ( and fill out the online application form.

Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 3, 2016

Choosing your translation specializations

You should choose a foreign language universities or language schools have pedagogical reputation if you want a really good starting point for becoming an excellent interpreter.

There have been many good translators started coming from the school, such as the Institute of International Relations, University of social sciences and humanities ...

You can also start learning a foreign language from the language training facilities good. Majored in foreign languages ​​in technical fields and economics go Polytechnic School nnhu Hanoi specialized English Department, Foreign Trade University English department of trade ... You can visit the website of the Ministry education and Training for more detailed information.

Now there are a lot of foreign language training center's prestige abroad opened in Vietnam, especially the English language, French language, and a new and more recently appeared in Japanese. Enrolled in these centers is really a very good starting point to complete their foreign language skills.
Translator has a very wide operating range. However you can not expert in any field. For that reason the majority of the interpreters often find a few areas suitable for you to work. This also means that you have to study at home or at school and constantly academies mulch to complement the specialized foreign language of their field of choice.

Each person has his own way of learning a foreign language. You can study a foreign language from the language training facilities good, the good teacher, reputation. Or can also ask for a volunteer at the international organizations operating in Vietnam, to participate in foreign language forum for sharing experiences with members of the forum. Ideally, you should learn a foreign language with as many people as possible as this will help you get more experienced.

Meaning that there are many different paths for you to learn a certain language. But the key is that you must choose a path suited to its own more that you should take the time to communicate with foreigners as much as possible. Communicating with foreigners is really the best way of self-study.

Currently, thanks to the advances of technology, companies and enterprises of the countries more closer together. So the role of the office professional translation becomes more important than ever. Since it requires a large number of translators with extensive knowledge, understanding the culture, the language. So you study the translation industry will not go to waste and you can earn a lot of profit from the work of translation.